Fork Real Community Cafe delivers kindness through meals to RCAS staff

As a former school teacher, Executive Director of the Fork Real Community Cafe, Rhonda Percy is knows the stress that back to school preparations can be for educators and school staff. So the cafe decided to provide meals to the staff in the Rapid City School District, to show there appreciation for the educators.

Rhonda Pearcy, Executive Director of the Fork Real Community Cafe, says, “The school year ended crazy and it’s beginning that way and we just wanted to bring a little light to the staff and just wanted to say hey the quote we are in it together, but we are and everybody needs something positive. We all need the light, we see so much darkness and the negativity – we just need to be the light to each other and that is what we are trying to do for the Rapid City District.”

Rhonda also thanks local gardeners who donated produce and community members donating time to make the meals and deliver them, like Porter Muck who is an employee and volunteer at Fork Real Cafe. He gets to deliver meals to North Middle School, where his mom is a school counselor.