The Girl Who Gives Back



I am the Founder and Executive Director of Fork Real Community Café, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to increasing food security and community building through a unique pay-what-you-can restaurant model. In phase III, Fork Real will open the doors to everyone, regardless of means, to enjoy a nutritious home-cooked meal with dignity. Fork Real proudly serves alongside other organizations in Rapid City to strengthen relationships in our community while networking globally with OWEE-One World Everyone Eats.

It’s a blessing to be part of Fountain Springs Church where serving others is not what you do, but how you live it out day by day, with Love, INC where people are empowered with the tools to heal brokenness with unconditional love, with Safe Family where children are safe and loved, with the local mission and the Hope Center who give a powerful voice to the homeless, and the loving hearts of individuals in our area who do their part to make a difference.